Dealing With the Death of a Loved One

Experiencing death

Everyone experiences grief differently. Resources are available to help you understand the grieving process and make coping easier.

Helpful resources when experiencing death

When the loss is a child

There are no words that can adequately express the grief when you lose a child. Talking with a friend or counsellor can help you through this very difficult time.

Helpful resources for when the loss is a child

Helping others through loss

Managing your own grief and supporting someone else who is grieving is difficult. These resources can help provide support to you and your loved ones during this time.

Helpful resources when helping others through loss

Considerations if you were to die

It’s never an easy subject to think about or discuss, but making preparations for your eventual death means your loved ones will not have that stress while grieving. Take time to consider and manage your finances with these resources.

Helpful resources for considerations if you were to die

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Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.

Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.

Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.

Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.

Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.