Getting Married (Including Civil Union and Common-Law Relationship)
- Life as a couple
Your To Do List
In this stage we recommend:
- Add your new spouse as a dependent under your employee benefit program
- Review your life insurance needs
- Review your beneficiary designations for your employee benefit program; make changes if necessary
- Change your name with your employer, bank, and government services, if necessary
- Review your beneficiary designations for your retirement and/or savings programs; make changes if necessary
- Get help setting your budget and managing your finances
- Get help creating or updating your will
- Sign up for the Online Enhancing Your Relationship Program
- Take a look at the “Buying/Selling a House” life event
- Take a look at the “Having or Adopting a Child” life event
Your life as a couple has its rewards and challenges. It's important to consider both your financial and emotional well-being.
Helpful resources for life as a couple
- Commitment/engagement
Your To Do List
Making a commitment to another person is both an exciting and stressful time. Start a healthy life together by learning how you can manage your emotions and finances.
Helpful resources for commitment/engagement
- The wedding and honeymoon
Your To Do List
In this stage we recommend:
- Review your employee benefit program to see what out-of-country emergency travel insurance coverage you may have
- Consider purchasing additional insurance coverage (such as cancellation insurance, lost baggage insurance, etc.)
- Talk to your manager about time off work
- Discuss whether you and/or your spouse-to-be will change your names, if applicable
Getting married and going on a honeymoon or vacation requires some preparation. These resources will help give you perspective and ways to handle stress so you can relax!
Helpful resources for the wedding and honeymoon
Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.
Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.
Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.
Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.
Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.
Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.