Getting Married (Including Civil Union and Common-Law Relationship)

Life as a couple

Your life as a couple has its rewards and challenges. It's important to consider both your financial and emotional well-being.

Helpful resources for life as a couple


Making a commitment to another person is both an exciting and stressful time. Start a healthy life together by learning how you can manage your emotions and finances.

Helpful resources for commitment/engagement

The wedding and honeymoon

Getting married and going on a honeymoon or vacation requires some preparation. These resources will help give you perspective and ways to handle stress so you can relax!

Helpful resources for the wedding and honeymoon

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Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.

Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.


Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.

Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.

Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.
