Becoming Separated/Divorced or Ending a Civil Union
- Separating
Your To Do List
In this stage we recommend:
- Request an information kit regarding separation and divorce
- Consider speaking with a personal counsellor
- Sign up for the Online Separation and Divorce Program
- Understand how your separation will affect your employee benefit coverage
- Understand how your separation will affect your retirement and/or savings programs
- Consider consulting with a legal advisor
The decision to separate is difficult, and it can be hard to ask for help. Use these resources to help you get through this time in your life.
Helpful resources for separating
- Reconciling
Your To Do List
Reconciling can be an emotional time. These resources can help support you in a successful reconciliation.
Helpful resources for reconciling
- Divorcing (end of marriage, civil union or common-law relationship)
Your To Do List
In this stage we recommend:
- Understand how your divorce will affect your employee benefit coverage
- Remove your spouse as a dependent under your employee benefit program
- Update your employee benefit program coverage
- Review your beneficiary designations for your employee benefit program; make changes if necessary
- Understand how your divorce will affect your retirement and/or savings programs
- Review your beneficiary designations for your retirement and/or savings programs; make changes if necessary
- Consider consulting with a legal advisor
- Consider counselling for custody or parenting issues
Deciding to end a marriage or long-term relationship is a very stressful time. Separating two lives that were connected emotionally, physically and financially isn't easy. Gain a better understanding of what you're going through and things you should do to move through this stage in your life.
Helpful resources for divorcing
- Starting over
Your To Do List
In this stage we recommend:
- Change your name with your employer, bank, and government services, if necessary
- Change your banking information with your employer, if necessary
- Change your address with your employer, bank, and government services, if necessary
- Review your financial situation and consider consulting with a financial advisor
- Moving? Buying or selling your home? Take a look at the “Buying/Selling a House” life event
Starting your life over after a separation or divorce can be exciting and scary. Learning more about the things you will be going through will help alleviate fear and stress. Use these resources to get your life back on track for your best health and well-being.
Helpful resources for starting over
Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.
Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.
Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.
Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.
Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.
Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.
Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.
Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.
Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.
Your Employee and Family Assistance Program provides this resource. Request access to this service through or contact the Care Access Centre at 1 800 387-4765.